University Hospital Dresden

The University Hospital "Carl Gustav Carus", (Universitätsklinikum Dresden) is a statutory body of the Free State of Saxony and the largest hospital of the Saxon capital Dresden. It is the teaching hospital of the Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden). Until 1 October 1993, the Clinical Centre together with the Faculty of Medicine at the TU Dresden constituted the Medical Academy. In habitual language use, the abbreviation MedAk is still common. Dresden has one of two hospitals of maximal care in Saxony besides the Universitätsklinikum Leipzig.



The beginning of medical education in Dresden dates back until the mid of the 18th century. 1748, the Collegium Medico Chirurgicum was established to communicate basic medical knowledge to military surgeons. In 1815, King Frederick Augustus I of Saxony endowed the Surgical-Medical Academy (Königlich Chirurgisch-Medicinische Akademie), where Carl Gustav Carus (1789–1869) taught as a professor for obstetrics. It existed until 1864.The foundation took place 13 years before the Royal Technical Educational Institution (Königlich-Technische Bildungsanstalt), the historic core of the Dresden University of Technology and three years after the foundation of the Faculty of Forestry, the oldest part of the TU Dresden. The academy was originally located in the Kurländer Palais opposite the Albertinum in the inner city. At this time the Technical Educational Institution was situated not for away within a pavilion at Bruehl’s Terrace. On 2 December 1901 the Town Hospital Dresden-Johannstadt was established with the departments of surgery, internal medicine and ophthalmology. The new founding became necessary, because the number of inhabitants had doubled from 1875 until the turn of the millennium. In 1903, new buildings for the Royal Women’s Clinic at today’s Pfotenhauerstraße and Fetscherstraße were added. In the 20s and 30s, outstanding medicals worked at this hospital such as Erich Saupe, the director of the Radiological Therapeutic Institute, or the internist Otto Rostoski, who created Europe’s first acute diabetes ward in 1924. The world’s first nursery, founded 1898 in Dresden by Arthur Schlossmann, moved into the new children’s clinic by 1930. One of the main founders of the academy was the surgeon Albert Fromme, who also became first rector. During the air raids of 13th and 14 February 1945, parts of the hospital were heavily destroyed. The bigger part of the buildings, which were erected 1901 after plans of the town’s councillor for construction Edmund Bräter in pavilion style, were rebuilt. The pavilion style describes the arrangement of buildings in U-shape around central parkways. Today the campus is under preservation order. On 7 September 1954 the Medical Academy as part of the Johannstadt Hospital opened its gates. By mid of September, the first students enrolled. From 1954 until 1993 over 6,000 physicians and dentists received their clinical education. The academy grew to one of the leading medical schools in the GDR. On 1 October 1990 the Medical Academy was integrated into the University of Technology Dresden as a Faculty of Medicine. The hospital is now a public institution of the Free State of Saxony. The campus is being expanded since 1990. The surgical emergency department and the Children- and Women’s Centre have moved into modern buildings. In 2010 the new Diagnostic-Internal-Neurological Centre will be inaugurated.


In 2007, the hospital offered 1220 beds and treated 56.900 in-patient cases and 241.000 out-patient cases. There is an average length of stay for full in-patients of 7.56 days. The hospital is issuing an annual financial report. Accordingly, it had earnings of 267.1 Mill Euro and an overall result of 5.341 Mill Euro. The hospital employs 700 doctors and 1600 nurses. 2,100 students study and work in the hospital. At the Medical Vocational School 500 apprentices are preparing themselves for their work as medical professionals. The hospital is run by a medical and financial CEO, Prof. Michael Albrecht and Mr. Wilfried Winzer. The board consists also of members of the Saxon government and of the University of Technology Dresden.


The hospital is situated in the Johannstadt part of the city, in the suburb east of the old town, between the Großer Garten park and the river Elbe. The facilities of the Faculty of Medicine and other administrational institutions are right are part of the hospital campus. The Max-Planck-Institute for molecular cell biology and genetics borders at the northeast. Alongside its western borders runs Fetscherstraße.

External links

Universitätsklinikum Dresden:

Faculty of Medicine at the University of Technology Dresden: